

43 Uppsatser om Christopher Hitchens - Sida 1 av 3

En ny ateism eller ateism i en ny tid? : En idéanalys av de nya ateisterna och deras kritiker

This essay intends to examine the atheists Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens and Michel Onfray's arguments against religion, based on the themes of religion, atheism and the perception.of their present worldview. In addition, the research aims to find out whether it is suitable to talk about a new atheism. And, if so, whether such newatheism correspond with the definition represented by the Christian critics. The essay intends to contribute to a very limited research on the so-called new atheism without applying pro-religious arguments.Previous research and theory highlight the problem of defining the terms atheism, religion and secularism a concern that is reflected by the five critics troughout their arguments. What really united the critics were the idea about religion taking too much place in society, and the opinion that atheistic morality is at least as good as religious morality.

Christopher-gillet i Långshyttan : en studie av en förening i bruksortsmiljö åren 1944-1954

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vad Christopher-gillet i Långshyttan var för en slags förening samt vad de gjorde? Tiden som denna undersökning rör är 1944-1954. De tre frågeställningarna är: 1. Vilket syfte hade Christopher-gillet? 2.

Ateismens offensiv

Detta arbete behandlar hur några av ateismens främsta företrädare, Richard Dawkins och Christopher Hitchens, valt att angripa religion och religionens påverkan på politik, utbildning, vetenskap och den individuella människan. Deras angrepp bemöts av kristna apologeter, I detta fall Alister McGrath och Dinesh D'Souza. För att finna svaren på våra frågeställningar så har vi genomfört ett litteraturstudium av ateistisk litteratur samt av apologeternas svar på densamma. Vi har använt oss av den hermeneutiska forskningsmetoden, i vilken vi med hjälp av vår förförståelse har tolkat de olika sidornas ståndpunkter. Resultatet visar att när det gäller ateisterna, så anser dessa att religion är en icke bevisad, icke vetenskaplig och vidskeplig kvarleva från ett äldre system som möjligen hade sin plats som förklaringsmodell för bronsålderns människor, men att religion inte borde ha någon plats i dagens logiska och vetenskapligt grundade samhälle De ser religionen som en motsats till vetenskap.

Nyateism vs teism-debatten : En analys av Dinesh D'Souza's argumentation

During the last few years the western world has seen an increasing interest in the topic of atheism, with bestselling books by writers like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. The critic of religions that these writers have brought to the table have not gone unmet, with writers like Dinesh D'Souza rushing to the defence of Chrisianity.Taking on the arguments of New York Times bestselling author Dinesh D'Souza in the current debate on the existece of God and the usefullness of religion, I here examine the claim by D'Souza that atheism, in fact, is responsible for the worst mass murders of history. In taking D'Souza's arguments and analyzing them on its own philosophical merits, with methods like the process of elimination and information evaluation (i.e source criticism), I will here show just exactly how persuasive these arguments prove to be. In the following pages we will not only discuss the role of atheism in 20th centuary totalitarianism, but also answer questions like ?Was Hitler an atheist or a theist??, ?Is atheism responsible for the worst crimes of history?? and ?Are people who believe in God in fact more moral the those who do not??.

Asperger syndrom : I ett maktperspektiv

Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom en textanalys, granska makt- och genusaspekten i Christopher Gillbergs senare forskning gällande Asperger syndrom och högfungerande autism. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är genusteorin och makt, med frågeställningarna; Hur visar sig makten i ett genusperspektiv? Hur visar sig makten i valet av de diagnostiseringskriterier som forskaren väljer att använda? Analysen visar att av de barn som blir diagnostiserade med Asperger syndrom är pojkarna fler till antalet än flickorna. Resultaten som belyser genusaspekten visar att flickor inte har samma symtom som pojkar, vilket kan leda till att flickorna inte blir diagnostiserade. En diagnos skapar bättre förutsättningar till att få hjälp från samhället.

Arbete och studier efter gymnasiet

I detta arbete visas vad som yrkes- och studiemässigt hänt de elever som slutat på elprogrammets inriktningar elektronik och datorteknik vid Christopher Polhemgymnasiet på Gotland. Dessutom visas vilken koppling till arbetsmarknad och studieval deras genomförda gymnasiestudier på elprogrammet haft..

Hoplitkrigens död : En studie i antik grekisk krigsföring

En studie som inriktar sig på de förändringar som sker med den antika grekiska krigsföringen mellan perserkrigen och de peloponnesiska krigen - med fokus på den grekiska hopliten och det grekiska kavalleriet. .

Applicerbarheten av produktanpassade supply chain-strategier inom stålindustrin : En fallstudie

AbstractThis study aims to investigate the applicability of well-recognized supply chain strategies based on product characteristics. Choosing the right supply chain strategy can be the difference between winner and loser in today?s competitive climate and science offers several recommendations as to which aspects that should be considered. Fisher (1997) and Christopher and Towill (2002) suggest that supply chain strategies should be based on what kind of product the company is handling and that, in order to know which strategy is the most appropriate, the products must be categorized. Some criteria developed for the categorization are lead time, forecast in demand and profit margin.

Ur tid och rum : en analys av Släbro hällristningsområde och traditionella variabler i fenomenologisk och tidsteoretisk anda

This paper will attempt to analyze the rockcarving area in Släbro Nyköping, Södermanlands län within an phenomenological and time theoretical perspectiv with the help of a correspondensanalysis. The focus of the study is the images and their relation to one another and the landscape surrounding them. This and information about the place and the surrounding areas according to the ideas described by Christopher Tilley based on the earlier works within the post processual and phenomenological school. To interpret how variables like these could work I?ve chosen to use the information from more traditional societies such as the Aboriginals and the Sami and discuss their understanding of the world surrounding them in correlation to what kind of information Släbro can give us..

På färd genom glömda landskap : Rumslig analys av bronsåldersbygden i Mönsterås

This paper deals with the relations between landscape rooms and monuments in an area north of Mönsterås in Kalmar län. After archaeological excavations had been carried out in the area 1991, an article promote it to the ?Bronze Age district of Mönsterås? (Källström 1993). There are two main problems that I deal with in this paper. First: The relations between the natural places and the monuments or memorials.

Verkliga känslor, okänslig verklighet : Pathos i marknadsföringen hos icke-vinstdrivande organisationer

This paper deals with the relations between landscape rooms and monuments in an area north of Mönsterås in Kalmar län. After archaeological excavations had been carried out in the area 1991, an article promote it to the ?Bronze Age district of Mönsterås? (Källström 1993). There are two main problems that I deal with in this paper. First: The relations between the natural places and the monuments or memorials.

Wireless Trailer Connection

Today's communication solution between the vehicle and trailer is one many see as anon-viable solution, then breakdowns on both the lights and cables are common. Now, anew innovation enters the market, a system that can transmit wireless control signalsbetween the vehicle and trailer.Parvus and Zap, the two solutions that the projekt group has come up with during thisthesis work carried out over the last year on Utvecklingsingenjörsprogrammet.Technologists Peter Jägevall and Christopher Åberg has developed this project on theirown. The group has developed various concepts and chosen to work on, two of them.The project has resulted in this report and a prototypeThe solution that the group has developed is a wireless communication between vehicleand trailer. The project team has developed new power-efficient LED lighting fixtures inorder to implement an internal power source in the trailer. The result of this has becomea maintenance-free and wireless product to trailers.

Organiserat kaos - om det icke-linjära narrativet och hur det används i Christopher Nolans Memento

The non-linear film - a film telling a story using a reversed or scrambled chronology - has existed since the late 20?s, but just recently gained huge influence and popularity due to films such as Quentin Tarantinos cult-declared Pulp Fiction. In this essay I will analyze this form of narrative, and more specifically; how it?s used in my example film Memento. In my examination, I have seen the original version of the film, and then a re-cut version where the story is ?turned over? to form a ?normal?, linear narrative.

En portal till frihet? : - En studie av www.scientologi.se

Uppsatsens undersökning bygger på en studie av den officiella Scientologikyrkans hemsida: www.scientologi.se. Den frågeställning varpå uppsatsen främst baseras på är: På vilket sätt förmedlar Scientologikyrkan sitt budskap via www.scientologi.se? Tidigare forskning kring ämnet är väldigt knapphändig vilket motiverar valet av uppsatsämne. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt baseras på Christopher Hellands begrepp religion online och online religion. Studien lägger därför stor vikt på huruvida Scientologikyrkans svenska hemsida är en religion online eller en online religion.

Äldreomsorgen och de sju små doktrinerna: En empirisk studie av New Public Management-reformer inom svensk äldreomsorg

The purpose of this paper is to perform an in-depth analysis of how New Public Management reforms have impacted management practises in two publicly financed elderly care providers in Sweden. The paper studies one public and one private elderly care provider and analyses to what extent they have implemented New Public Management methods. The results are based on interviews with several persons within the two organisations and analysed using the seven New Public Management doctrines as described by Christopher Hood (1991; 1995). The major finding in the thesis is that the level of exposure towards New Public Management reforms differs between the two studied organisations where the private provider is exposed to the reforms to a greater extent than the public. The paper concludes that the main reasons for the low extent of exposure in the public provider could be attributed to the lack of measurable standards performance as well as the proximity to the political leadership..

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